Who We Are

Mission Statement:

Empowering Medina County's future by fostering community collaboration, championing impactful initiatives, and cultivating a culture of philanthropy. Committed to addressing local needs, inspiring positive change, and building a resilient and thriving community for generations to come.

Vision Statement:

Striving towards a Medina County characterized by sustainable growth, equitable progress, and a shared commitment to enhancing the well-being of all residents.

What is a Community Foundation?

Community foundations are a purely American invention that began in 1914, a mere 40 miles to our north in Cleveland, Ohio. Local banker Frederick Goff pooled the charitable resources of his community's philanthropists to create a permanent endowment for the betterment of the city, and thus the first community foundation was born. Over a century later, it is a worldwide movement that has transformed the face of philanthropy. There are hundreds of community foundations across the country, with dozens in Ohio alone.

Community foundations are unique compared to other foundations you may be familiar with, like private foundations. Community foundations are 501(c)(3) nonprofits, meaning we derive support from the community at large rather than a select few donors. Like other foundations, we're known for distributing grants to causes big and small for the betterment of our community. We're truly a foundation by the people, for the people.

We Celebrate Medina County’s Philanthropic Vision with our new Community Foundation!

The Medina County Community Foundation was created by a group of concerned county leaders as the first independent Community Fund in Medina County! A step to build philanthropy in Medina County was started 30 years ago. Community leaders, Jack Holland and Nobby Lewandowski created the Medina County Community Fund, which was held at the Akron Community Foundation. The Medina County Community Fund and several sub-funds grew with the future in mind and a goal of one day establishing an independent Community Foundation in Medina County.

A group of Medina County individuals, including the Board Executive Committee, Dan Calvin, Jim Gerspacher, and Jaclyn Ringstmeier got together in 2022 and decided that the time was right to form the Medina County Community Foundation to serve Medina County. Over the past year, the Foundation Board of Directors has been working behind the scenes to establish appropriate governance policies and procedures to govern any funds that are moved from the Akron Community Foundation to the Medina County Community Foundation. Today, we celebrate that 30-year vision of growing philanthropy to serve Medina County residents!